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Each of us is unique and unrepeatable.

Astrology: Servizi


Using counseling techniques, in this consultation lasting 60/90 minutes, we explore the BIRTH CHART in order to build a personalized in-depth study, interpreting a whole series of symbols, to achieve greater awareness regarding to internal and therefore external processes.

Working with feedback and considerations from the consultant, through the use of traditional astrology and Human Design, with the support of the Tarot, we go together on a journey through the oneself, the physical body, the soul, talents and potential of the consultant, his own difficulties and conflicts, but also challenges, wounds, blockages and fragility.

Through the dialogue, regarding the information that emerges, we proceed together in the elaboration and understanding of what comes on the surface.

It is possible to ask specific questions to find answers and solutions together that are appropriate for your life and growth path.


This consultation is of support both for understanding deep-rooted issues or issues that have always been present in one's life, and for investigating rooted behavioral causes and suggesting solutions or remedies.

It is useful during important life choices, in moments of change and transition, during periods of couple or personal crisis; it turns out to be an interesting tool even for those who simply want to get to know each other better and/or embark on a journey of self-discovery.

It is very suitable for parents who want to learn more about the nature of their children in order to be able to direct and / or support them during their growth.

It is particularly indicated:

. To those who feel in a delicate moment, of crisis or confusion

. To those who want to get to know each other more deeply or understand the meaning of their own life

. To those who feel blocks or patterns / recurring problems

. To those who have eating and/or behavioral disorders and want to investigate their nature

. To those who have problems of various kinds with money

. To those who want to better understand their children

. To those who want to give someone a special gift

. To those who are in a couple and want to make a qualitative leap in the relationship

Astrology: Testo
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